3shape cambridge crack software
The development team offers you to sale the 3shape cambridge software full crack. A personal dongle/dumper/patch will be developed for you, with which you will receive license activated cracked full version software for further successful work in the field of dentistry.
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Main features of 3shape medicalprogram:
We can make the process or manufacturing absolutely automated due to the 3Shape CAMbridge. Moreover this programm allows you to prepare automatically the completed design.
Really simple interface, together with the highest level of automation available, empowers non-technical operaters to run a streamlined production. Thats why when we add the files to the job, programbegins processing them in the background.
- Orientation and vertical placement
- Scaling
- Supports
- Placement
- Mesh optimization (repair, decimate, refine)
- ID-Tag
- Engraving
- Sprues Drops
- Blank management
- Slicing
- Reference objects
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