3shape implant studio crack
The development team offers an activated full version of the 3shape implant studio software. We will develop a personal dongle/dumper/patch, and you will get a full activated license version software.
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Perfect software for laboratories and dental practices – 3Shape Implant Studio.
Simple, fast and predictable digital implant planning/surgical guide solution.If you have license crack, we will support you the whole range of implant treatment, providing each individual type of treatment with a specially designed workflow. Based on the achievement of the aesthetic effect of the final restoration, the planning process takes into account the existing bone and the overall clinical picture, increasing the predictability of treatment and improving its end result.
3Shape Implant Studio Software combined complex procedures of implanting into a single, efficient and predictable workflow that offers you more efficient way of working, starting with planning, modeling a surgical template and restoration, ending with the operation itself. Your patients will thanks you, cause you`ll save their time and nerves.
Main advantages of 3shape implant studio 2018:
Favorable price
Planning as specified by prosthetic needs
Open system platform
Flexible digital workflow
Universal tools and functions
Own production of surgical templates at low prices
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