Particular qualities of Sum3d Dental

Table of contents

  • SUM3D Dental

  • imports data from any open CAD systems: 3Shape, Dental Wings, Exocad and many others.
  • Managed import interface automatically selects the strategy best suited to the type of object being imported.
  • System simple and intuitive.
  • It can be configured to work in 5 different levels of the interface, depending on user experience.
  • The mill library is fully customized and easily editable. SUM3D Dental can control the form and duration of work all mills, bases and spindles.
  • Simulation of milling and checking conflicts between the calculated cutter path and all components. To avoid errors and damage to workpieces, cutters, fixed parts and the entire machine as a whole.
  • T-shaped cutter allows you to mill corner implants and remove external and internal undercuts.
  • The program allows you to mill any type material: zirconium, cobalt-chromium, titanium, PEEK polymer, lithium disilicate, ceramics, PMMA, fiberglass, composite, wax, plaster, sintered metal, etc. The stock library allows full customization through creating new geometries and materials.
  • Moreover

  • Material consumption optimized due to modern features such as: re-processing of partially used blanks; automatic tilt angle optimization axes to reduce the thickness of the workpiece; nesting for optimization of blanks.
  • The program perfectly copes with such complex works like implant bridges thanks to automatic detection undercuts and auto axis orientation cutters. Reprocessing undercuts like internal and external, can be performed with a long or indexed 5-axis milling, depending on user preferences. And using the cutter with spherical thickening at the end, undercuts can be easily removed using 3 and 4 hose treatments.
  • With SUM3D Dental you can mill models with specific optimization (strategies, which allow to divide the levels of finishing treatment by zones). To do this, you can use the standard and customized blanks.
  • Workspace optimized according to the characteristics of the machine. Deletion material gives the freedom to use any type and size of the cutter, even of large diameter, which in turn guarantees a reduction processing time.
  • SUM3D Dental has several premium premise libraries at your disposal. (NT-Trading, Medentica, Symbiosis, Bluesky, etc.). Abutment is automatically placed intop hat

SUM3D Dental offers a variety of specific treatment types according with the type of equipment and machine used.

Premiede abutment libraries can be also added or self-created by user.

In SUM3D Dental, implant interfaces are available from libraries that can be inserted directly during the CAM process. Replacing existing or missing in the file, received from the CAD program.

Fully customizable library allows you to bind an individual strategy to each type of interface (shape and size of the cutter, technological parameters, type of processing, etc.)

Creating individual reports and prints makes it easy to organize and manage orders. Helps to avoid production and shipping errors.

Control a wide range of settings allows you to automatically enter when printing information. About the machine model, type and material of the workpiece, time of milling and about many things a friend. Templates are available for Microsoft Office, and for OpenOffice.


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