Ultra-precise implantation of R2Gate crack

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R2Gate cracked technology predicted implantation

R2Gate full crack technology is the application of complex surgical templates in various clinical situations. Today, there is an opinion that the surgical templates that we need can only be used for complex cases: jaw operations or work with a large number of implants, for example 8-10 pieces. However, the use of even one implant requires a well-thought-out approach, if we talk about the immediate load.

Consider the process of working in R2Gate crack activated version 2022 year

There are three ways to work in the program:

The first option – the simplest option is a patient who partially lacks teeth and most of them are natural, without fillings and restorations. This happens quite rarely, and computed tomography will give a fairly clear relief of the teeth, undistorted by the glow of metal and other foreign parts. Additional spoons, etc. do not need to be used, tomography and scan are enough.

The second option is a patient with metal parts or restorations that shine on the tomogram, creating a background that prevents a clear comparison. To get rid of it, radiopaque or universal spoons are used, where special material is introduced and tomography is performed. The same spoon is then put on a plaster model and scanned together with it. Because the X-ray spoon is contrasting and does not shine much, it is possible to place scans fairly accurately along its borders and get a qualitative comparison. This is important because surgical templates are created based on plaster models, not on tomograms.

The third – variant of the situation is a toothless jaw or a case with an insufficient number of supporting teeth. In this case, an individual spoon is made, along with which a tomography scan of the plaster model is done. This stage requires long planning, but reduces the rehabilitation time.

In cases where there are included, single or extended defects in the oral cavity, but most of the teeth are present and have metal parts or crowns, the R2 Tray spoon is used.

The usual silicone material (speedex, bicycle) is inserted into this spoon, then the patient bites the spoon and does a tomography with it, the spoon is removed, the material is stored in it to register the teeth in the exact position. Then, in the same position according to this print, the spoon is put on a plaster model and they get the opportunity to scan the models in the same position as it was in the oral cavity.

If the jaw is toothless or there are not enough supporting teeth, an individual radiopaque spoon is made.

The manufacturing process takes place in several simple steps by the doctor or technician himself.

Light-cured plastic is used, sometimes with the addition of a barium suspension in a ratio of 5:1 with plastic. But in this case, it is worth considering that barium can give a glow effect that complicates the matching process. To do this, you need a cast, a model and a basis, which is inserted into the oral cavity without the introduction of a corrective material, i.e. the inner surface of the basis should be tightly planted on the mucous membrane, and wax rollers are placed on top, fixing the height, in order to then conduct a wax virtual simulation and form a wax-up for this height. You can use ordinary wax.

When using equipment of the Planmeca, Vatech, RayScan, or KaVo brands, the files need to be saved in the dfm format, which can then be uploaded to the software used in our clinics for planning.

Planmeca equipment can record in two formats: single-frame and multi-frame dicom. It is better to choose a single-frame. There will be a lot of files, but they can be opened. Vatech, RayScan KaVo are saved in the desired format by default. Sirona saves in its own format, but it is always possible to contact their manager, who will remotely explain how to save data in the desired format.

Morita is the only brand that distorts files and cannot be used.

The subtleties of conducting research in R2Gate crack

  • Positioning of the patient.
  • Conducting research.
  • The use of a special spoon and evaluation criteria.
  • Positioning.

First of all, the scanning area should be 8×8 or 9×9 cm or more.

If the size is 8×8, the lower, upper jaw and the bottom of the maxillary sinuses are preserved, which allows you to plan implantation. At the same time, it is possible to take into account, for example, bone plastic surgery and see important anatomical risk factors (sinuses, jaw canals, etc.). All this should fall into the zone.

Since the patient bites a spoon, the bite recorder on the tomograph is removed, the patient is positioned on a stand to exclude displacement.

It is important to consider the length of the patient’s hair. If necessary, you need to use a cap. Especially mobile clients can be seated on a chair to reduce the number of movements.

All these measures are aimed at conducting a fairly clear study without double contours, with an ideal image, and, most importantly, the spoon should be perfectly pressed and not jump off. For greater stability of the spoon, the patient can be asked to close not the teeth, but the lips.

The result is saved in zip format in the patient’s folder.

It is important to note that we cannot work with intraoral scanners from CRM, because they do not save data in an open stl format.

About plaster models. Of course, they must be of good quality. This is achieved through careful processing, casting with class 4 gypsum.

The remaining stages of planning in R2Gate full cracked acrivated version

  • Scanning
  • A planning protocol is being drawn up
  • Creating a template
  • X-ray control
  • Final tomogram


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