Review of Exocad Dental Software

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High technologies are being introduced into almost all spheres of human life, including such an important one as medicine. Dentistry was no exception.

For a long time, not only modern equipment has been used, but also advanced technologies, programs that allow for computer modeling, drawing up a plan and the most optimal treatment algorithm, regardless of whether it is classical therapeutic dentistry, implantation, or something else. One of the most popular programs is Exocad.

About the product

Exocad is a professional software developed in Germany. The advantages of the program are that it significantly facilitates the dentist’s task, speeds up all processes and increases overall productivity.

There is no need to break your head and independently build a treatment plan, draw or make an algorithm manually. Everything is done using the program with maximum visualization accuracy and compliance with the parameters.

The high sensitivity of the program and the use of data obtained from CT or X-ray equipment make it possible to recreate the volumetric model of the dentition as accurately as possible in accordance with the proportions at the initial stage, when the treatment plan is just being drawn up. You can also initially set goals and create a model of the dentition that you need to get in the end.

The program itself will help to create an algorithm and a treatment plan in order to get the final result from the source code.

Program features

The advantages of the Exocad program include the following:


  • Maximum accuracy of the drawn up plan
  • Calculation of the cost of treatment and its duration
  • The reduction to zero of errors on the part of the doctor, since in case of inconsistencies, the program signals this.

The list goes on for a very long time. The program allows you to simulate the following:

  • Abutments and bridges with screw fixation
  • Removable dentures
  • Programs for artistic restoration
  • Occlusal splints
  • Night caps
  • Three-dimensional models of the jaw for orthodontists
  • Temporary crowns and bridges
  • Girder structures and much more.

The program is quite complex, has many modules.


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